"You want to become a risk taker, you want to raise the bar on yourself, most people wont do that, most people engage in low life living, low risk living. This God said if you're not willing to risk you cannot grow and if you cannot grow you cannot become your best and if you cannot become your best you cant be happy and if you can't be happy, then what else is there."......I found most people fail in life not because they aim to high and miss but most people fail in life because they aim to low and hit....and many don't aim at all" .."For All It's Worth Intro'
With an intro with those kind of thought provoking, shut up and listen, YO pay attention bitch, kind of words...For All It's Worth...IS WORTH IT!
Diverse takes you through this 10 track EP with a little something for everybody. If you like the tracks that go against the grain, it got it... if you like those mello hip hop joints, it got it...if you like that true hip hop feel, it go it! I started listening to this EP and did not press next...it helps when you got an EP with tracks produced by some dope producers as well...let me see...we got Exile, Mickey Factz and JBM just to name a couple.
Diverse delivery on every joint doesn't only showcase his lyrical prowess but if you listen to his previous projects and this EP you can here even more emotion, more growth, that missing factor in so much of the artists on the come up today. So go download this, blast it and be sure to tell a friend...dont sleep on this ...BLAST IT!
Following the success of his Mind Of A Lyricist Vol 3 mixtape (MOALV3 in short), DiverSe now offers us what he calls his most “personal” release to date.
After taking us through a journey inside the mind of a lyricist, DiverSe now gives us a closer look inside the psyche of a man. There comes a point in everyone’s life where they are forced out of their own reality, and thrust into a new one that’s not as familiar. This process is called “growing up” and for some the transition isn’t always easy. Life as we know it all of a sudden becomes unclear and the world becomes a very scary place. For All It’s Worth documents DiverSe‘s personal story, as we see his evolution from a boy to a man, from a young aspiring emcee into a fully grown artist.
Stream http://itsdiverse.bandcamp.
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